Whether you belong to the first or second category though, the most important point to consider is that your kid’s hairstyle should be one that is easy to control and suits your kid’s active lifestyle well. Your kids’ hairstyles should also give them an adorable and innocent look.
Some of the most simple and basic hairstyles for kids are really the basics, and all other hairstyles tend to evolve from them. The most basic of all for boys would be the crew cut, or shaved hairstyle. This one requires almost no maintenance in between haircuts, but some feel it does not deserve to register on the list as an actual hairstyle, considering you do not have to “style” it at any time.
For girl’s hairstyles, the length of their hair affects the hairstyle, but not nearly as much as you would imagine. There are some cute kid’s hairstyles that require almost no difficult maneuvers to make them look good. The preferred length for little girls is mid-length, not short and not long. Mid-length allows for a wide variety of hairstyles from the hair being tied up, back, or letting it down.
Most parents have opted for the most simple hairstyles for kids by keeping their hair cropped close or cut very short due in part to the low maintenance required for these types of hairstyles, and because most kids barely keep their hair combed much less styled.
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